Puglia Creativa launches the call ” Young Creatives Grow-up” to select n. 25 start-ups or creatives that need support to grow and develop their entrepreneurial project or business idea. The selected will access the incubation program developed by TRACES and will benefit from the mentorship and consultancy services provided by the 5 Local Ateliers located in Apulia. For more information click here
Traces project: “TRansnational Accelerator for a Cultural and Creative EcoSystem” it’s an European cooperation project, funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020 Programme. Lead partner of the project is the University of Salento-Department of Economics, the other partners are: Tecnopolis Science and Technology Park of Bari and the Apulia Creative Cluster Association, the Hellenic Management Association and the Achaia Chamber of Commerce. Associated partners are: ENCATC – European Network on Cultural Management and Policy and Foundation for Ethical Finance.
The call is in Italian, for reading it follow the link: Avviso Start up_GiovaniCreativiCrescono